The 5th Russbach Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics

Second Circular

Dear Colleagues,

we would like to announce that the 5th Russbach Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics will again take place at the village of Russbach (Dachstein West), located southeast of Salzburg, Austria. The workshop will take place from March 3 to March 7, 2008 (arrival March 2, departure March 8). For those participants who plan to attend the subsequent Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics at Ringberg Castle, arrangements for a transfer on March 9 will be organized.

For further information about the workshop style and the Dachstein West region, see:

Keeping its tradition, the workshop will again bring together specialists from the various sub-fields of astrophysics, astronomy, cosmochemistry and nuclear structure with the aim to raise mutual interest and to teach under- and postgraduate students as well as young postdocs in the realm of nuclear astrophysics. This workshop will again be organized in sessions of talks, with ample time for general discussions and specific working groups. So far, already 15 colleagues have agreed to give lectures at the workshop:

M. Busso (Perugia)
R. Diehl (Munich)
J. Dudek (Strasbourg)
A. Frebel (Austin, Texas)
R. Gallino (Torino)
A. Herlert (Geneva)
I. Ivans (Pasadena, California)
J. Jose (Barcelona)
F. Kaeppeler (Karlsruhe)
K.-L. Kratz (Mainz)
S. Marrone (Bari)
L. Mashonkina (Moscow)
B. Pfeiffer (Mainz)
O. Sorlin (Caen)
J. Stone (Oak Ridge, Tennessee)

In order to help us in the further planning of the workshop, please register by filling out the form below. Furthermore, indicate if you are willing to give a talk (give subject and preliminary title). Please, inform your colleagues and students who might be interested in the scope of the workshop.

We have again been able to negotiate a very good price for the accomodation at several hotels and pensions in Russbach. The costs will be about 270 EUR, covering 6 days double-room and half-board. Only a limited number of single-rooms will be available with a small surcharge. Also afew appartments will be available for families. Payments can be done by EC-card, cheque, IBAN money order or cash before departure.

In addition, a conference fee of 50 EUR for senior scientists and postdocs and 25 EUR for PhD-students will be charged at arrival in cash. Most of this fee is to cover the rent of the lecture room and coffee breaks at "Kirchenwirt Russbach". We intend to help stuidents and scientists with insufficient travel funds to attend the workshop.

Lodging and conference site have a limited capacity of max 55 people. This implies that -- apart from the lecturers -- attendance will be selected by "first-come / first-serve".

The 3rd circular with information about travel options and the workshop program will be sent out mid February.

Best regards,
The organizers
Oliver Arndt, Bernd Pfeiffer, K.-L. Kratz


Please register by sending the following form until February 1st to:

Registration Form

First name:
Last name:
Address 1:
Address 2:
Postal code:
Email address:
Phone number:
Talk (subject, title):
Single / Double room:
Ski-course (adults / children):
Special requests (diet, disabled, etc.):

January 5, 2008