JINA Website

JINA Workshop - First Announcement
Nuclear Physics in Hot Dense Dynamic Plasmas

London Centre of the University of Notre Dame
London, UK
March 13-14, 2011


JINA is planning a workshop on "Nuclear Physics in Hot Dense Dynamic Plasmas" at the London Centre of the University of Notre Dame in London, UK. The main purpose of this meeting is to identify experimental opportunities for nuclear astrophysics at short-lived, high energy density plasma environments as will be available at the National Ignition Facility NIF. The workshop will take place on March 13-14, 2011 and is a followup event to the "Workshop on Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis using the National Ignition Facility" which took place on March 23-25, 2010 at Berkeley, CA.

Experimental access to NIF will be available for the international community and we hope that a workshop at London will provide the opportunity for participants from different countries to get together and discuss possible experimental techniques and developments, which would help to utilize the NIF environments for nuclear astrophysics experiments. Because of the high neutron flux available, we primarily think about neutron induced experiments, but other possibilities should be discussed as well.

We therefore would like to invite you as an expert in the field to come to London to present ideas and to participate in the discussions. There will be a limited amount of travel support available, so please let us know if your participation requires support in the travel expenses. We hope you will be able to participate and are looking very much forward to hear from you.

Registration will open soon.

With best regards

The organizers:
Karlheinz Langanke (GSI, Germany)
Dieter Schneider (NIF, USA)
Michael Wiescher (University of Notre Dame, USA)

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The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics
Updated: April 1, 2011