An international EMMI-JINA workshop on "Nuclear
Physics Processes in Dynamic High Energy Density (HED) Plasmas" will
be held from October 13th to October 17th, 2012.
This workshop will bring the international community together at the
centrally located Notre Dame London Centre, to discuss the nuclear science
opportunities in dynamic plasmas as they are available at new and upcoming
high energy density laser and accelerator facilities (e. g. FAIR, FRIB,
and the North-American Continent. A one day school is planned for introducing
the topic, critical questions and the status of the field to a broader
student and postdoc audience. This event will take place as part of
the workshop on October 13th, 2012 at the EMMI facilities
at GSI-Darmstadt.
The workshop at the London Centre will focus on critical
questions associated with nuclear physics research opportunities on
laser plasma facilities. The discussion will focus on the study of nuclear
reaction processes in high energy density plasmas that are of interest
for stellar burning. Of particular interest are the possibilities and
recent results for s-process nucleosynthesis, where the associated neutron
capture reactions have been traditionally studied at dedicated neutron-beam
facilities. Experiments at such facilities are limited to measurements
of ground state neutron capture. Laser plasma experiments provide the
first opportunity to study neutron capture on thermally populated states.
A number of other questions arise for nuclear physics experiments at
dynamic plasma conditions. The complexity of the short-lived plasma
environments requires the measurements and understanding of the time
dependent temperature and density conditions of the plasma as well as
the identification of plasma and atomic mediated effects (e. g. excited
atomic shell configurations) on processes causing and affecting nuclear
excitations and reactions. Developments of novel experimental techniques
and the interplay of integral measurements utilizing laser produced
high-density plasmas and differential measurements at accelerators to
benchmark specific processes will be discussed.
It is planned throughout the workshop to provide an
overview of the status and opportunities for nuclear physics and nuclear
astrophysics experiments at European and US laser plasma laboratories.
Selected speakers will present the latest results and discuss future
directions that can be envisioned at high power laser facilities; e.
g. the workshop will include discussions of nuclear targets for first
experiments at NIF.

Date and Place:
A one-day EMMI-JINA school is planned to be held on Saturday October
13th, 2012 at the GSI-Darmstadt,
For this meeting in Darmstadt accommodations near the GSI are available;
the meeting starts at Saturday morning and ends in the early afternoon.
The main part of the workshop is planned for Monday
October 15th, through Wednesday October 17th, 2012 at the
London Centre
of the University of Notre Dame (JINA). For the London meeting, talks
will be scheduled from Monday morning until Wednesday afternoon. As
demonstrated in the previous workshop, the center near Trafalgar Square
is very well suited for such an event with various accommodations near
Talks will include facility status reports (e. g. NIF
(LLNL), FAIR (GSI)) as well as presentations on the first experimental
results and planed experiments. A "round table" discussion will conclude
the workshop.
Scientific Case:
The Extreme Matter Institute (EMMI) and the Joint Institute for Nuclear
astrophysics (JINA) are organizing a workshop on "Nuclear Physics in
Hot Dense Dynamic Plasmas". The main purpose of the workshop is to identify
experimental opportunities for nuclear astrophysics in short-lived,
high energy density plasma environments as they are available for example
at the National Ignition Facility NIF,
advanced accelerator facilities and the combination of laser and advanced
accelerator facilities (e. g. PHELIX laser and GSI storage ring (ESR)
and FAIR). The workshop in October, 2012, is in sequence with the "Workshop
on Neutron-Capture Nucleosynthesis using the National Ignition Facility"
which took place on March 23-25, 2010 at Berkeley, CA, USA and a follow
up workshop in March 13-14, 2011 at the London
Centre of the University of Notre Dame in London, UK.
Experimental access to NIF is available for the international
community and it is anticipated that the workshop will provide the opportunity
for participants from different countries to get together and discuss
ongoing and future research activities. This includes novel experimental
techniques and developments, which would help to utilize and diagnose
HED environments and their dynamics, for nuclear astrophysics experiments.
The unique HED plasma conditions, such as high neutron, photon and charged
particle fluxes, open up new opportunities to study plasma/atomic mediated
nuclear processes. On the other hand, the combination of intense heavy-ion
beams (ESR) and recently completed high-power laser (PHELIX) beams available
at GSI offers exciting opportunities to explore matter in new regimes
of density, temperature, and pressure. By bringing together outstanding
experts from the fields of X-ray spectroscopy, strong-field atomic physics
with highly charged ions and plasma physics; the workshop will provide
a unique interdisciplinary discussion forum for future experiments and
theory within HED research programs.

Michael Wiescher
Phone: 574 631 6788
E-mail: wiescher.1@nd.edu
Karlheinz Langanke
GSI/EMMI, Germany
Phone: +496159712747
E-mail: k.langanke@gsi.de
Dieter Schneider
ExtreMe Matter Institute
Phone: +49 6159 71 2727, 925 423 5940
E-mail: schneider2@llnl.gov
Estimated Number of Participants:
We expect about 40-50 participants for the workshop at the London Centre
of the University of Notre Dame (JINA) and 25 participants for the school
event at GSI-Darmstadt.
Tentative List of Key Topics for the EMMI-JINA
-- Workshop at the London Centre
Nuclear astro-physics in terrestrial HED environments
Nuclear Science opportunities at NIF and complementary facilities
Status of NIF/NIC, Diagnostic Performance and first experiments
Experimental developments
HIJ Laser R&D and Plasma Physics
Nuclear theory intersection
Planetary Science
-- Day at GSI-Darmstadt
Nuclear Plasma Physics Overview

Costs and Support:
There is no registration fee. In turn, most participants will have to
use their own funding to finance the travel and accommodation. Coffee
breaks in the morning and afternoon sessions will be provided, a well
as daily lunches.
The workshop will be organized around a number of keynote talks by experts
in the various fields. Limited support of EU 1000/person will be available
for the speakers to provide for travel support. Speakers from European
countries are eligible for up to EU 500/person. We in particular want
to encourage students and young scientists from nuclear-, atomic- and
plasma physics communities to participate in the proposed workshop.
A limited support of E500/person for students will be available.
here to Register ( Closed!
We have reserved a block of hotel rooms at the Charing Cross Hotel with a reduced conference rate.
Please make your reservation through the following link:

| Registration
| Agenda/Talks
| Accommodations
| Venue