PURPOSE: This informal two day workshop is intended to bring together diverse parts of the astrophysical community interested in probing the extreme events of classical novae and Type Ia supernovae. Our intent is to keep the meeting small enough (<50) and provide adequate time for discussion that many will find new research directions. This workshop is organized by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA), an NSF Physics Frontier Center. MEETING LOCATION: The workshop will be held in the new Auditorium of Kohn Hall, the home of the Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics (KITP). However, since this is not a KITP sponsored event, please refer all questions to Lars at bildsten@kitp.ucsb.edu, rather than the KITP staff. HOTEL: A block of 25 rooms has been held at the nearby Best Western South
Coast Inn at the rate of $109, plus tax. Please call 1-800-350-3614 to
make a reservation before April 25, 2005. Tell them you are with
the JINA workshop to get your discount. The assumption is arriving
May 19 for three nights. Breakfast is included and they will be able
to run a shuttle to get you to KITP. Just let them know at the desk
so that they only need to run the shuttle once or twice to get everyone
here. FUNDING and REGISTRATION: There is NO registration fee, but we do need a head count. If you plan to attend, email Lars at bildsten@kitp.ucsb.edu All invitees from JINA institutions will be paying with their own JINA $. Invitees at institutions with no JINA $ will be reimbursed by JINA. Please travel on a US carrier and send all queries to Hendrik Schatz at MSU re. reimbursements. His email is schatz@nscl.msu.edu. NOTE: Just so you know, the KITP is having a conference the following week
on Astrophysical Outflows and Accretion Disks which some of you
might find of interest. The website and registration information is at: |
--- See "Conference Schedule" --- |
Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) |