The Physics of the s-Process

May 29 - June 12, 2005
Center for Physics
Aspen, Colorado, USA

Principle Organizers:

Falk Herwig, (LANL) ( )
Rene Reifarth, (LANL) ( )
James Truran, (Chicago, JINA) ( )
Michael Wiescher, (Notre Dame, JINA) ( )

Half of the elements heavier than iron are made by the slow neutron capture process (s-process) during He core burning of massive stars and during He-shell burning of low mass AGB stars. The intent of this workshop is to address the wide range of questions associated with the reliable interpretation and modeling of the s-process. This includes the nuclear physics of neutron capture processes near the line of stability, observation of s-process abundances in stars and planetary nebulae as well as in stardust grains, and the astrophysical modeling of of the s-process sites. This workshop intends to strengthen the communication and collaboration between these four research directions to improve our understanding of s-process nucleosynthesis.


The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics

Aug. 9, 2004