The Status of 12C(a, y)16O,
12C(a,y)16O is a nuclear reaction of such unique significance for the field of nuclear astrophysics that it was called by Willy Fowler "the Holy Grail of Nuclear Astrophysics". The rate not only determines the carbon oxygen abundance ratio in our universe but affects also our predictions for late stellar evolution, as well as for type I and type II supernova explosions. The reaction rate itself is based on a large number of experimental studies starting from the pioneering measurement by Peggy Dyer & Charlie Barnes published in 1974 extrapolated into the stellar energy range. The reliability of this extrapolation has been subject to numerous experimental and theoretical studies for more than three decades. During this time Charlie Barnes has contributed greatly to our present knowledge and understanding of this reaction. Charlie Barnes is one of the great pioneers in the field of experimental nuclear astrophysics. On the occasion of his 85th birthday we are planning to organize this special workshop on the "Status of 12C(a,y)16O" to honor him and his contributions and achievements to the field. In view of the special occasion of this meeting we have invited a number of speakers reviewing the historical development and presenting the latest experimental achievements towards a better understanding of 12C(a,y)16O. The meeting will take place on December 15, 2006 at the Kellogg Radiation Laboratory at Caltech, Pasadena, CA. We would like to invite you to participate at this workshop. A lodging link is provided with hotel information in order to assist you in making your reservations for this event. Please note the Saga Motor Hotel is the closest for walking distance to Caltech. Registration Form (The deadline for registration is October 31, 2006.) Location: 114 E. Bridge building at Caltech (See Map) |
Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics |