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The workshop will take place at the ECT* Trento (www.ect.it/). It is a collaborative effort between CARINA (www.cyc.ucl.ac.be/CARINA/) and JINA (archive.jinaweb.org/) with the goal to develop an updated and unified nuclear reaction data base for modeling a wide variety of stellar nucleosynthesis scenarios. This workshop is a follow-up meeting to the NIC2006 satellite-workshop on nuclear astrophysics data at the University of Basel, Switzerland in June 2006 (www.physik.unibas.ch/~nic9sat/). The purpose of the ECT* meeting will be to develop strategies and techniques to update and eventually merge three of the presently most important data libraries. KADONIS is a data library for slow neutron capture reactions or relevance for the sprocess. The data basis is well maintained but the collaboration plans to expand it to also include photodisintegration reactions of relevance for the p-process. NACRE is the main data basis for simulating stellar hydrogen and helium burning but is limited to low Z-14 only. The present data library needs to be up-dated since a multitude of new results has been obtained over the last ten years. The library needs also to be expanded to include charged particle reactions for higher Z which are important for shell helium and hydrogen burning as well as for explosive hydrogen burning in novae. REACLIB is the main data base for explosive hydrogen and helium burning through the rp-process, which needs to be updated with recent results of radioactive beam experiments. The library contains also a large number of decay data information which needs to be completed. The original authors of the three identified libraries are members of the CARINA-JINA collaboration and will take a lead role in the project. A further goal will be the development and implementation of a unified format in which the data of all libraries can be presented and used by the modeling community. This will be developed by the BNL and ORNL nuclear data community. The data library will be maintained and updated by the collaboration but will be made public through a website provided and hosted by the BNL nuclear data group. During the first meeting at the University of Basel in June 2006 the collaboration agreed on the goals and procedure. The purpose of the ECT meeting will be to provide a one week closed working environment where subgroups of the participants will focus on reviewing and upgrading specific reaction information on the three identified libraries. The organization of subgroups and the assignment of the specific tasks will take place prior to the actual meeting. Carmen Angulo, Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium |
April 9, 2007