Frontiers 2010
Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics

October 21-23, 2010
Abbey Resort, Lake Geneva WI
Yerkes Observatory

Frontiers 2010 workshop sponsored by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) is the third in a series of JINA meetings to bring together all JINA participants, collaborators, and other interested researchers to discuss recent and/or planned research in nuclear astrophysics. The workshop will be held at the Abbey Resort at the shores of Lake Geneva, WI during Oct. 21-23, 2010. The meeting will start on Oct. 21 at noon, followed by two days dedicated to oral presentations with ample time for discussions. The meeting will end Saturday Oct 23 at noon. The workshop will also include a reception and a social event on the evening of Oct 21 at Yerkes Observatory. A tour of the observatory will be available for interested participants. Although a few invited overview talks on topics of current interest will be presented, young researchers are especially encouraged to present their research work. All the presentations will be available at the JINA web site ( after the meeting's conclusion. There is a $50 registration fee but JINA will provide accommodation for workshop participants.

Registration for the 2010 JINA Frontiers meeting is now closed !

Please contact the following organizers for further questions.

Organizing Committee:
Carla Frohlich (University of Chicago)
Manoel Couder (University of Notre Dame)
Sebastian George (Michigan State University)
Jennifer Sobeck (University of Chicago)
Hendrik Schatz (Michigan State University)
James Truran (University of Chicago)


  Registration Closed!





Sponsored by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics