Workshop on Statistical Nuclear Physics and Applications
in Astrophysics and Technology

July 8-11 2008
Athens, Ohio


This is the announcement of the Workshop on Statistical Nuclear Physics and Applications in Astrophysics and Technology to be held July 8-11 2008 in Athens, Ohio (United States). This workshop is jointly sponsored by the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics and Ohio University's Institute for Nuclear and Particle Physics.

The workshop is focused on subjects related to statistical nuclear physics. By bringing together scientists working in various areas of this diverse field -- including astrophysics, technology, theory, and experiment -- it is hoped that further progress in this area can be stimulated. Topics of discussion include:

Level Densities
Optical Models and Elastic Scattering
Gamma-Ray Strength Functions
Astrophysics r- and p-processes, global inputs
Applications reactors, stockpile stewardship, medical physics

Additional information will be available on the website:

Registration (Deadline is June 1, 2008):

You need 2 steps to finish the application.

Step 1:
Go to the Registration Payment Page to fill it out and submit.
Step 2:
Submit the Online Application Form.

Local Organizing Committee:
Carl Brune
Steve Grimes
Tom Massey
Andreas Schiller
Alexander Voinov

International Advisory Committee: Yoram Alhassid (Yale)
Mamoru Baba (Tohoku)
Jutta Escher (Lawrence Livermore)
Till von Egidy (Munich)
Walter I. Furman (Dubna, Russia)
Joachim Goerres (Notre Dame)
Magne Guttormsen (Oslo)
Robert Haight (Los Alamos)
Calvin Johnson (San Diego State)
Achim Richter (Darmstadt)
Hendrik Schatz (Michigan State)


The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics
February 14, 2008