JINA Website

Nuclear Shell Model Applications

A JINA School on Tools and Toys of Nuclear Astrophysics

Michigan State University, MI, USA
Feb. 13 - 17, 2006


JINA will hold a third special "Tools and Toys of Nuclear Astrophysics School on Nuclear Shell Model Applications" at Michigan State University during February 13 - 17, 2006. The school will cover the basic theoretical methods and computational tools used for shell model configuration mixing calculations.

This workshop will cover the basic theoretical methods and computational tools used for shell model configuration mixing calculations. The input for these calculations will be explained and defined. The outputs such as those for binding energies, excitation energies, electromagnetic transitions, beta decay and spectroscopic factors will be defined and used in examples. The emphasis will be on a "hands-on" use of computer codes.

After completion, the participants should be able to use modern shell model tools for analyzing experimental data and perform theoretical studies and explorations of nuclear structure properties.

Participants will be selected from applications. Please submit an application through the JINA website (archive.jinaweb.org). Support for travel expenses will be available for participants in need. Deadline for submission is January 15, 2006.


Alex Brown (brown@nscl.msu.edu)
Morten Hjorth-Jensen (morten.hjorth-jensen@fys.uio.no)


Chasity Fudella (fudella@nscl.msu.edu)


The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics
Updated: Dec. 7, 2005