The extension of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS-II) announced
in an International Astronomical Union Circular the discovery of five supernovae
on September 19. This is the start of a multi-year program that will discover
several hundred supernovae and use them to estimate properties of dark matter
and dark energy. The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) based at
the University of Notre Dame is partner in the SDSS-II effort.
The SDSS telescope in New Mexico with a mirror diameter of
2.5 meters is used for the supernova search. It scans the same strip of sky
every other night and the scans are compared with images taken in 2004. After
image processing the difference between the recent scans and old scans reveals
any variable or moving sources. Many of these are asteroids and active galactic
nuclii, but a handfull are exploding stars in distant galaxies. After software
filters out most of the false supernova candidates, the SDSS astronomers eye-ball
the remaining images to pick out the good events. Spectra of many of the candidates
are taken to determine the type of supernova and how much the light has been
redshifted by the expanding universe.
An example of a SDSS supernova discovery: