The ECT* - JINA Workshop

Reactions Involving 12C:
Nucleosynthesis and Stellar Evolution

ECT*, Trento, Italy
October 7 - 11, 2013





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Caserta, Italy
October 4-5, 2013


The understanding of the physics of low-energy nuclear reaction is essential for explaining the chemical evolution of the universe. Nuclear reactions are the engine of stars and control the formation of elements, characterizing the different phases of stellar evolution: hydrogen burning in mainsequence stars, helium burning in red giants, and carbon, neon, and oxygen burning during the late stages of stellar evolution. Carbon is a key element, as it is the source of all organic materials, and it is one of the most abundant elements in the universe next to hydrogen and helium.

Nuclear astrophysics is a broad interdisciplinary field, the discussion of reaction rates requires to present the new experimental data which usually cover a number of low energy reaction techniques. Since the data are typically taken at higher energies, often complemented by nuclear structure methods probing the lower energy range, reliable nuclear reaction theory methodologies need to be applied to low energy extrapolation of the data. Low energy reaction theory is indeed the key element on which this workshop needs to focus. The impact of the newly derived results can only be discussed in the framework of astrophysical environments where the reactions take place to study the impact and sensitivity of the experimental and theoretical improvements.


The meeting will bring together a number of experts (circa 40 participants, both theorists and experimenters) in low energy nuclear experiment, nuclear reaction theory, as well as a experts in simulations and modeling of astrophysical environments ranging from late star evolution, to shockfront driven explosions and thermonuclear runaways in cataclysmic binary star systems. The people who have agreed to participate reflect a broad range of scientific expertise but additional participants are envisioned to broaden the scope of the discussions.


The scientific program will start around 9:30am on Monday, October 7th, and end on Friday, October 11th, around noon.

Registration will open on July 15 and close 3 weeks (September 15) before the beginning of the workshop. Each participant should fill in a questionnaire online. The questionnaire will be accessible from the ECT* Website.

A detailed program will be published here soon after the registration is closed.

Financial Support:

  • The ECT* can cover up to 70% of the local expenses of participants to workshops organized at the ECT*. Additionally, the ECT* requests that approximately 25% of the participants be selfsupported by their home institutions. Travel expenses are not supported.

  • JINA will provide financial support to JINA participants and JINA associates.

  • The ECT* capacity imposes us to limit the number of participants. In any case, we will proceed to a selection of the applicants based on the adequacy between their current research work and the themes of the workshop.


Dr. Alexis Diaz-Torres (ECT*, Italy, Co-ordinator) –
Prof. Leandro Gasques (USP, Brazil) –
Prof. Michael Wiescher (JINA, USA) –

Hotels in downtown Trento and near the Workshop venue will be reserved for all participants by the Workshop secretary at the ECT*. All the detail concerning the hotel reservation will be sent to the participants in due time.

Further information on the workshop site, accommodation, and the surroundings can be found at the ECT* website:


The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics
Updated: June 17, 2013