Dear Colleague, This is a message to invite you to participate in a workshop for an underground accelerator for Nuclear Astrophysics. The workshop will be held at the Tucson Marriott on Oct. 27-28, 2003, the Monday and Tuesday before the DNP meeting at Tucson. On Wednesday there will be a DNP workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics. The purpose of the workshop is to discuss the technical requirements for the development of an underground accelerator. The goal is to establish communication and discussion between the experimental nuclear astrophysics community and accelerator physicists. We intend to come out of this workshop with a clear view and concept on what is needed and what type of accelerator could realistically be built and function underground. The workshop will address both the scientific goals and the technical requirements for the accelerator design and the associated instrumentation. Sufficient time and opportunity for discussion will be given to he participants. The workshop is organized jointly by the Institute for Nuclear Theory, INT, the Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics, JINA, and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory, LBNL. If you need further information please contact one of us. Additional information will be posted at the JINA webpage archive.jinaweb.org. Alejandro Garcia, U.of Washington |
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Updated: Aug. 15, 2003