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JINA-CEE Working Group Stellar Burning and First Star Nucleosynthesis

Chairs: Timothy Beers (Univ. of Notre Dame), Marco Pignatari (Hull Univ.), and Michael Wiescher (Univ. of Notre Dame)
Our key research goal is to coordinate within the nuclear astrophysics community an extensive effort, aiming to discuss the production, evolution, and observation of elements, as known in 2016. This will be a multi-disciplinary discussion towards the question: What do we know 60 years after B2FH? In addition, we aim to trigger and boost research within this WG and in collaboration and communication with other JINA-CEE WGs addressing a number of questions and puzzles that require an interdisciplinary effort for their solution. The results of such research initiatives will be published in peer-reviewed journals.

If you are interested in joining the JINA-CEE Stellar Burning and First Star Nucleosynthesis Working Group, please contact the chairs: Timothy Beers (tbeers at nd.edu), Marco Pignatari (m.pignatari at hull.ac.uk), and Michael Wiescher (mwiesche at nd.edu)
Other Working Group Members:
Robert Andrassy (UVic) James Keegans (Hull Univ.)
Andreas Best (LUNA) Falk Herwig (UVic)
Benoit Côté (MSU/UVic) John Lattanzio (Monash Univ.)
Ondrea Clarkson (UVic) Maria Lugaro (Konkoly Observatory)
Andrew Davis (Univ. Chicago) Rene Reifarth (Univ. Frankfurt)
Pavel Denissenkov (UVic) Christian Ritter (UVic)
Antonino Di Leva (Univ. Naples) Ilka Petermann (ASU)
Brad Gibson (Univ. Hull) Sumner Starrfield (ASU)
Gianluca Imbriani (Univ. Naples) Frank Timmes (ASU)
Amanda Karakas (Monash Univ.) Paul Woodward (UMn)
Image credit: NASA/Dana Barry

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