Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics


 Program Schedule

 Team PIXE-PAN 2009

 Lectures / Materials *

 Student Presentations

 CSI-Collegiate Unit

 Photo Gallery

 Participant Surveys

 Program Description

 Flyer for Summer 2009

Institute for Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics


Institute for Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics
@ University of Notre Dame

Lectures / Materials

June 15 - 26, 2009




PIXE-PAN 2009 Introduction

Ed Stech

University of Notre Dame

NSL Tours

Ed Stech

University of Notre Dame

Introduction to Nuclear Science

Tony Hyder

University of Notre Dame

Radiation Chemistry / DNA

Jay LaVerne

University of Notre Dame

JINA Science

Michael Wiescher

University of Notre Dame

Radiation Safety

Andy Welding

University of Notre Dame

FN Tandem Van de Graaff Accelerator at ND

Larry Lamm

University of Notre Dame


PIXE-PAN 2009 was sponsored by JINA, ISNAP, and University of Notre Dame.

Updated July 6, 2009