Science Camp was… (check as many as you
think apply)
94% interesting , ____ boring , 65% fun , 35% too long ,
65% too short , 18% too easy ,
_____ too difficult.
I would prefer 18% the same ,
29% fewer , 53% more topics.
I needed 18% less , 41% the same
amount , 41% more help with some of the topics.
I think each topic should have 76%
more , 18% same number , 6% fewer kinds of
I think scientists usually … (check as
many as you think apply)
35% are mostly right , 12% can’t make up their minds , 41% always do math ,
24% blow things up , 12% are different from other people , 82% measure and count things ,
12% are absent-minded , 71% have to use their imaginations , 77% have to read a lot of things , ____ are mostly wrong.
Now that I’ve been to Sensing Our World. I enjoy
learning about science
71% more , ___ less , 29% the same
as before.
I especially enjoyed learning about (multiple
“renewable energy sources” / polymers (71%) / levitating train (53%) / “all the topics on an equal level of enjoyment” /
“everything about solar energy and radiation” / ecology (18%) / “I liked it all” / malaria parasites (35%) / motors (18%)
I wish we could have explored more about the topic(s) of:
“renewable energy and uses” / “energy efficiency and superconductors” / “robots” / “energy efficiency and motors” /
“space and germs” / “space and the ocean” / solar radiation (18%) / solar energy and solar cells (12%)