The FRIB Users Organization Election was
held in November 2009. The winners of the election of the
FRIB Users Organization Executive Committee are: Ani Aprahamian
(University of Notre Dame), Michael Smith (Oak Ridge National
Laboratory), Ingo Wiedenheover (Florida State University).
Information |

A meeting of the FRIB Users Organization was held on Thursday, Oct. 15, 2009, as part of the APS Division of Nuclear Physics Meeting in Hawaii. More |

On Monday, August 10, 2009, an opportunity for FRIB Working Groups to meet at NSCL was provided immediately after an ANL ATLAS User Workshop and immediately preceding an MSU NSCL User Workshop. More |

The cooperative agreement for the establishment of FRIB between the U.S. Department of Energy and MSU has been signed on June 8, 2009. Details |

The FRIB/RIA Users’ Organization organized
the workshop “Step Forward to the Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB)” on May 30 - 31, 2009
at Argonne National Laboratory, IL. Web Site |

The 8th Radioactive Nuclear Beams Conference (RNB8) was hosted by the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory at the Amway Grand Plaza Hotel in downtown Grand Rapids, Michigan in May 26 - 30, 2009. Information |

Michigan State University and DOE
released a Description
of the proposed Facility for Rare-Isotope Beams (FRIB) |

The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) announced on December 11,
2008 that Michigan State University (MSU) in East Lansing,
MI has been selected to design and establish the Facility
for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB), a cutting-edge research facility
to advance understanding of rare nuclear isotopes and the
evolution of the cosmos. The new facility - expected to take
about a decade to design and build and to cost an estimated
$550 million - will provide research opportunities for an international
community of approximately 1000 university and laboratory
scientists, postdoctoral associates, and graduate students.
DOE Release
|| MSU News |

The Fifth Argonne/INT/MSU/JINA
FRIB Workshop on Bulk Nuclear Properties
was held at Michigan State University from November 19 to 22, 2008. It was the fifth in a series of theory workshops related to RIA. View Talks |

The Seventh Summer School on Exotic Beam Physics was held at the ATLAS Accelerator at Argonne National Laboratory, IL, from August 4 to 9, 2008. The school consisted of morning lectures and "hands-on" activities in the afternoons. Students had an opportunity to present their research. Website |

The Fourth Argonne/INT/MSU/JINA
FRIB Theory Workshop on Rare Isotopes and Fundamental Symmetries
was held at the Institute for Nuclear Theory, University of
Washington from September 19 - 22, 2007. More Info |

In early May 2007, the Long-Range Planning Meeting was held in Galveston. The four principal recommendations were adopted.
Details |

The 2007 town meeting for the NSAC long-range
plan was held January 19 - 21, 2007 at the Hyatt Regency
Chicago, Chicago Illinois.
Link. |

The RISAC report has been publicly released on December 8, 2006. View Report |

New RIA Brochure: "The Science of the Rare Isotope Accelerator
(RIA) - A Brochure from the RIA Users Community" Click
here! |

In early October, 2006, the RIA Users' Organization
held an election for three vacancies on the Executive Committee.
The nominees were Tim Chupp, Erich Ormand, Michael Smith,
Michael Wiescher, and Sherry Yennello. Erich Ormand, Michael
Smith, and Michael Wiescher were elected to a three-year
term. |

The President
of the National Academies and NRC Chair, Ralph Cicerone, has
formed the Rare Isotope Science Assessment Committee (RISAC)
of the National Research Council and has selected and approved
the committee members. More |

The National Research Council (NRC) was
asked to review the importance to the nation of the science
agenda for the Rare Isotope Accelerator. We as nuclear astrophysicists
want to be part of the preparations, which includes creating
a document to summarize the importance of RIA for nuclear
astrophysics. A meeting to discuss further steps within
the community will be held on on September 10-11, 2006 at the
Detroit DTW Airport. See details |

The RIA Theory Blue
Book is available online now: "A Road Map".
The part that is most relevant for JINA is the nuclear astrophysics
section. |

The RIA Users Organization Executive
Committee met on Dec. 15, 2004 with Don Geesaman
(UofC) and Konrad Gelbke(MSU) at the O'Hare Airport
Hilton. The meeting was called to discuss with U.
of Chicago and MSU representatives the
role of the RIA users during the next stages of the project.
http://www.orau.org/ria/archive/12-15-04.htm |

On February 9, 2004, the Department of Energy designates RIA's status as CD-0, stating
the Critical Decision Zero statement of mission need.
More Info |
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