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JINA Special School on Nuclear Mass ModelsArgonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois May 8 - 16, 2007 |
Knowledge of nuclear masses is an essential ingredient impacting our understanding of nuclear structure, of the properties of nuclear matter, and of the role played by nuclear processes in stellar energy generation and nucleosynthesis. Experimental determinations of nuclear masses guide and constrain theoretical formulations of mass models/laws which, when fitted to empirical data, serve to provide mass estimates for nuclei far from stability for which experimental masses are not available. High precision determinations of nuclear masses are of particular importance to the determination of nuclear binding energies and separation energies, which constitute only a small fraction of the total mass. The binding energy per nucleon then provides a direct measure of the relative stabilities of individual nuclides, with broad implications for nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. They serve to delineate the limits of nuclear stability and the proton and neutron "drip lines." The extreme conditions that accompany diverse astrophysical environments - e.g. accreted envelopes of neutron stars and collapsing cores of Type II supernovae - are expected sites for production of proton-rich and neutron-rich nuclei, respectively, in the astrophysical rp-process and r-process. Critical input to astrophysical simulations of these nucleosynthesis processes includes accurate determinations of nuclear masses at the limits of stability. This workshop will review experimental methods for mass determinations, theoretical modeling of nuclear masses, and their implications for outstanding questions in both nuclear structure and nuclear astrophysics. This school will start on Tuesday, May 8th, with an evening reception. There will be lectures primarily in the mornings, with afternoons devoted to sessions involving homework exercises/tutorials and some exploration of experimental methods and local facilities. JINA will cover local costs for the participants, including hotel accommodations at the Guest House at Argonne National Laboratory and a stipend. Application Contact for more information Organizers: Jim Truran, Craig Roberts, Ani Aprahamian |
Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics |