Talks at the Workshop
Topics |
Speakers |
NUSEL and the Underground Accelerator | Wick Haxton (U. Washington) |
Nuclear Astrophysics - Underground | Michael Wiescher (Notre Dame) |
Background Reduction by Gamma-Ray Tracking | Mario Cromaz (LBNL) |
Aspects and Specifications of the LUNA Facility |
Frank Strieder (Ruhr-Universität Bochum) |
Status of High Current Ion Sources | Daniela Leitner (LBNL) |
an RFQ a good candidate for a next- generation underground accelerator? |
Tom Wangler (LANL) |
Accelerators (<1 MeV/n) for Low-Energy Measurements | Jose Alonso, Rick Gough (LBNL) |
Experimental Status of the LUNA Facility at Gran Sasso | P. Prati (INFN – Genoa) |
Recoil Separator Techniques | J.C. Blackmon (Physics Division, ORNL) |
Neutron Detection Techniques | Carl R. Brune (Ohio University, Athens OH) |
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Updated: Nov. 25, 2003