Nucleosynthesis Movies
(You can download QuickTime player here if you need.)
r-process movie: The r-process is responsible for the origin
of about half of the elements heavier than iron that are found
in nature, including elements such as gold or uranium. Shown is
the result of a model calculation for this process that might
occur in a supernova explosion. Iron is bombarded with a huge
flux of neutrons and a sequence of neutron captures and beta decays
is then creating heavy elements.
Click to view the QuickTime movie below:
movie ( Information )
rp-process movie: Neutron stars are extremely compact stars
- they have about the mass of the sun, but only the size of a
small city. A table spoon of neutron star matter weighs as much
as 8000 aircraft carriers. If neutron stars are orbited by a normal
companion star they can suck matter from the companion. This matter
gets compressed and heated as it reaches the neutron star surface
and if enough has accumulated it explodes in a gigantic hydrogen
bomb. The explosion can be observed from earth as an X-ray burst
with duration of 10-100s. The movie shows how hydrogen and helium
are converted into heavy elements by nuclear reactions during
the outburst. It is this conversion that generates the energy
that we can observe. The ashes of the burning remains on the surface
of the neutron star and can modify its properties.
Click to view the QuickTime movie below: rp-process
movie ( Information )
p-process movies: The p-process is responsible for the
origin of the rare proton rich isotopes in nature, which are heavier
than iron. The best scenarios for this process are supernova explosions
of type II. In these environments very high temperature (more
than 2 billions Kelvin) can be reached when the shock front goes
through the Ne/O-layers.
Click to view the QuickTime movies below:
movie 1 | p-process
movie 2 ( Information )
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