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JINA-CEE's Educational Outreach Programs




Catch a Cosmic Ray at NSCL


For those physics classes who want to go beyond the tour, delve into the problem of cosmic rays with a hands-on experiment. After being treated to a faculty discussion of the state of cosmic ray research, students will form their own hypotheses on the nature of cosmic rays and test them with directional detectors. This program includes materials for the teacher to use in class before and after visiting NSCL, turning it into a three-day lesson. JINA-CEE offers grants to defray some of the travel costs for classes participating in this program.


CNO Cycle Card Game


Playing like speed solitaire, JINA's CNO Cycle Card Game is a fun way to teach and learn the CNO Cycle.


Field Trip and Travel Support


JINA will provide financial support toward the transportation costs for K-12 classes to tour the NSCL at Michigan State or the NSL at Notre Dame.
MSU_flyer | ND_flyer


Magnetic Marbles


A hands-on learning approach to learning about matter on the atomic and subatomic scale by comparing and contrasting different isotopes...


Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) @ MSU


Science educators participate in a week long program offering lectures, demonstrations, hands-on experiments related to nuclear astrophysics. Experience research in a world class laboratory and share curriculum ideas with other educators.


WaMPS Outreach


The WaMPS outreach team discusses the questions that drive the research at MSU/NSCL and explains the basic underlying principles and techniques of the research. The team shares their personal college experiences and the positive impact that higher education has made in their lives. The group also incorporates physics demostrations into the presentation.



Art 2 Science School Programs


Special needs programs and after-school programs for at-risk children are invited to join us in igniting stellar imaginations.


Art 2 Science Summer Camp


The camp is based on JINA's Art to Science program which introduces children to the wonders of the physical universe! This camp will utilize a multidisciplinary approach to learning, integrating reading, writing, art, and science. The participants will learn about physics, astronomy, and other sciences through reading books, creating art, and hands-on experiments.     ( Flyer in Spanish )



Catch a Cosmic Ray at NSCL


For those physics classes who want to go beyond the tour, delve into the problem of cosmic rays with a hands-on experiment. After being treated to a faculty discussion of the state of cosmic ray research, students will form their own hypotheses on the nature of cosmic rays and test them with directional detectors. This program includes materials for the teacher to use in class before and after visiting NSCL, turning it into a three-day lesson. JINA offers grants to defray some of the travel costs for classes participating in this program.


Mathematics, Science, and Technology (MST)


Run by MSU's Honors College, this residential camp offers intensive two-week courses to over 100 high-achieving middle school students each summer. The program includes a Nuclear Astrophysics course, taught by JINA faculty and staff from NSCL and University of Notre Dame. JINA funds scholarships for interested students who demonstrate financial need.


Magnetic Marbles


A hands-on learning approach to learning about matter on the atomic and subatomic scale by comparing and contrasting different isotopes...


Boy Scouts Nuclear Science Badge at NSL


Boy Scout troops are invited to spend five hours at the Nuclear Science Laboratory on the campus of Notre Dame to earn their nuclear science badge. JINA scientists will provide all information and materials to ensure that each scout meets the requirements for the badge. The day includes lectures, a tour of the lab, and hands-on projects/experiments. Email jinaout@nd.edu for more information.



Physics of Atomic Nuclei (PAN) Program


A week long program at one of two world leading nuclear physics laboratories: Nuclear Science Laboratory located on the campus of the University of Notre Dame and the National Superconducting Cyclotron Laboratory located on the campus of Michigan State University. Learn nuclear astrophysics through lectures from faculty, demonstrations, and experiments.


WaMPS Outreach


The WaMPS outreach team discusses the questions that drive the research at MSU/NSCL and explains the basic underlying principles and techniques of the research. The team shares their personal college experiences and the positive impact that higher education has made in their lives. The group also incorporates physics demostrations into the presentation.


CNO Cycle Card Game


Playing like speed solitaire, JINA's CNO Cycle Card Game is a fun way to teach and learn the CNO Cycle.


Magnetic Marbles


A hands-on learning approach to learning about matter on the atomic and subatomic scale by comparing and contrasting different isotopes...



Undergraduate Research Assistant Program (JURA) @ MSU


Undergraduates at Michigan State University become members of the MSU Nuclear Astrophysics group and work on various research projects in experimental and theoretical nuclear astrophysics.


Undergraduate Research Assistant Program (JURA) @ ND


Undergrad students at Notre Dame work on various projects in nuclear astrophysics in the Nuclear Structure Laboratory.



JINA-CEE Visitor program


JINA-CEE welcomes the collaboration of scholars & students from all over the world.
Visitor Application Form


JINA-CEE Outreach Volunteer


The JINA-CEE Outreach Program relies on volunteers to teach nuclear astrophysics to students through structured programs, and demonstrate the importance of the field to the general public through events. Contact jinaout@nd.edu for more information.

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