Due to major construction projects in
Notre Dame’s Nuclear Science Laboratory during the summer of 2011,
there will not be a PIXE PAN program this year. A new
vertical 5MV pelletron is being installed to provide
beam to the St.
George Recoil Mass Separator. You can find out more information
and monitor the progress on both projects by following the previous
We hope to have smaller programs for high school
students during the summer so check back for announcements. Also,
the PAN
program at MSU will be held from July 31 – August 5 for
teachers and August 7 – 12, 2011 for students.
If you would like to be notified of events at Notre Dame
during this summer, please send your contact information to: jinaout@nd.edu
and put “PIXE-PAN2011” as the subject.
Contact Information:
JINA Outreach
Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA)
225 Nieuwland Science Hall
Notre Dame, IN 46556
Office address: 180 NSH
Office phone: 574/631-4087
Email: jinaout@nd.edu
