The Sixth International Conference on Nuclear Physics in Astrophysics (NPA-VI)
May 19 - 24, 2013
Lisbon, Portugal
EMMI-JINA Workshop "Nuclear Physics Processes in Dynamic High Energy Density Plasmas"
Oct. 13 - 17, 2012
GSI-Darmstadt, Germany & ND London Center, UK
Program and Talks
JINA Frontiers 2012 Workshop
Oct. 7 - 8, 2012
East Lansing, Michigan, USA
Program and Talks
NIC XII - Satellite Workshop on r-Process Nucleosynthesis
August 4 - 5, 2012
The Sebel Hotel, Cairns, Australia
Contribution Talks
7th ANL/INT/JINA/MSU Annual FRIB Workshop: Interfaces Between Nuclear Reactions and Structure
August 8 - 12, 2011
nstitute for Nuclear Theory, University of Washington, USA
JINA Workshop on Nuclear Physics in Hot Dense Dynamic Plasmas
March 13-14, 2011
London Centre of the University of Notre Dame, London, UK
Program and Talks
JINA Frontiers 2010 Workshop on Nuclear Astrophysics
October 21-23, 2010
Abbey Resort, Lake Geneva, WI
Pan-American Advanced Studies Institute on Rare Isotopes
August 1-13, 2010
Joao Pessoa, Brazil
International workshop on:
The role of low energy fusion reactions in nuclear astrophysics: carbon burning
May 14 - 16, 2009
Villa Orlandi, Anacapri, Naples,Italy
Workshop on R-Matrix and Nuclear Reactions in Stellar Hydrogen and Helium Burning
April 21 - 23, 2008
La Fonda, Santa Fe, New Mexico
JINA Frontiers 2007 Workshop
August 19 - 21, 2007
University of Notre Dame, IN
The Status of 12C(a, y)16O, the "Holy Grail" of Nuclear Astrophysics
December 15, 2006
Kellogg Radiation Laboratory @ Caltech, Pasadena, CA
The Workshop on Massive Stellar Progenitors "The Final Days of Burning"
March 9-10, 2006
Santa Barbara, CA
Frontiers 2005
August 20-22, 2005
Michigan State University, MI
Workshop on Nuclear Incompressibility
July 14-15, 2005
University of Notre Dame, IN
The Workshop on Classical Novae and Type Ia Supernovae
May 20-21, 2005
Kavli Institute for Theoretical Physics, Santa Barbara, CA
JINA R-Process Discussion
January 28-29, 2005
University of Notre Dame, IN
Symposium on Nuclear Equation of State used in Astrophysics Models
August 25-26, 2004
Philidelphia, Pennsylvania
The 7th Torino Workshop on Nucleosynthesis in AGB Stars
August 2-6, 2004
At Churchill College and the Institute of Astronomy,
University of Cambridge, UK
Advances and Challenges in Nuclear Astrophysics
May 24-28, 2004
European Centre for Theoretical Studies in Nuclear Physics
Trento, Italy
Program & Talks
First Argonne / MSU / JINA / INT RIA Workshop
The r-process: the astrophysical origin of the heavy elements and related Rare Isotope Acclerator Physics
January 8-10, 2004
Seattle, WA
Workshop on an underground accelerator for nuclear astrophysics
October 27-28, 2003
Marriott University Park Hotel
Tucson, AZ
The Nuclear Physics Of Core Collapse Supernovae
May 26 - June 8, 2003
Institute of Physics
Aspen, Colorado
The r-Process - new experimental,
theoretical, and observational opportunities
October 6-8, 2002
Kellogg Biological Station
Gull Lake, Michigan, MI
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