August 25-26, 2004
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Nuclear Astrophysics and the EOS |
Wednesday, August 25, 2004 | |
9:00 |
Introductory Remarks |
9:10 |
9:40 |
Equation of State of Supernova Matter |
10:10 |
10:40 |
Intermission. |
11:00 |
Compact Binary Mergers:
The Influence of the Equation of State |
11:30 |
Comparative Study
of Equations of State Used for Neutron Star and Supernova Collapse Models |
12:00 |
Physics of X-ray Bursts as Probe of Neutron Stars |
Experimental Characterization of the EOS |
2:00 |
EOS of Neutron-rich Matter
and Collisions of Neutron-rich Nuclei |
2:30 |
Reaction Studies and the Nuclear Equation-of-State |
3:00 |
Neutron Stars:
The Richest of the Neutron-Rich Nuclei |
3:50 |
Symmetry Energy for Excited
Nuclei Produced by Multifragmentation |
4:20 |
Nuclear Symmetry Energy
4:50 |
Probing the EOS of Asymmetric
Matter |
Nuclear Astrophysics and the EOS - Part 2 |
Thursday, August 26, 2004 | |
9:00 |
Level Density Dependence
on Excitation Energy, n-p Asymmetry, and Deformation |
9:30 |
Supernovae, Neutron
Stars and Dense Matter |
10:00 |
Mass Formulas and the Equation of State of Neutron-Star Matter |
10:30 |
Intermission. |
10:50 |
On-line Tools for Exploring
the Nuclear Equation of State in Astrophysics |
11:20 |
Equation of State for Supernovae and Neutron Stars |
11:50 |
R. Rutlege |
Experimental Characterization of the EOS - Part 2 |
2:00 |
EOS Information from
Heavy Ion Collisions between 0.1A and 2A GeV |
2:30 |
Multifragmentation and
Supernovae phenomena: Is there a connection? |
3:00 |
Nuclear Incompressibility from the Isoscalar
Giant Dipole Resonance |
3:30 |
Intermission. |
4:00 |
Nuclear Equation of State from Neutron Star Structure |
4:30 |
Panel Discussion. |
5:15 |
Concluding Remarks | Oct. 26, 2004