Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics


 Program Schedule

 Team PIXE-PAN 2008

 Lectures / Materials *

 Student Presentations

 Photo Gallery

 Participant Surveys

 Program Description

 Flyer for Summer 2008

Institute for Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics

Institute for Structure and Nuclear Astrophysics @ Notre Dame

Lectures / Materials

June 16 - 27, 2008




PIXE PAN 2008 Introduction

Ed Stech

University of Notre Dame


Ed Stech

University of Notre Dame

Introduction to Nuclear Science

Tony Hyder

University of Notre Dame

Applications for PIXE & other Ion Beam Analysis (IBA)

Larry Lamm

University of Notre Dame

The Accelerating Universe

Peter Garnavich

University of Notre Dame

Radiation Chemistry / DNA

Jay LaVerne

University of Notre Dame

JINA Science / AMS

Philippe Collon

University of Notre Dame

Radiation Safety

Ed Stech

University of Notre Dame

X-Ray Spectroscopy and Moseley's Law

Wolfgang Hammer

University of Notre Dame


PIXE-PAN 2008 was sponsored by JINA, ISNAP, and University of Notre Dame.

Updated July 7, 2008