March 9-10, 2006, Santa Barbara
A New View of the Approach to Core Collapse
Dave Arnett
University of Arizona
The Stellar 12C+a Fusion Rate: Present Uncertaintiesand Prospects for their Reduction Prospects
Carl Brune
Ohio University
The advanced evolutionary phases of the massive stars and their explosive yields
Alessandro Chieffi
Frascati, Italy
Status of the Triple Alpha reaction rate
Christian Aaen Diget
U. Arhus, Danmark
Super-AGB Supernova Progenitors
Falk Herwig
The Role of Nuclear Electron Capture during Stellar Core Collapse
Raph Hix
Remarks about weak-interaction processes
Karlheinz Langanke
TU-Darmstadt, Germany
The Weaks-processafter Core He-burning: the convectiveShellC-burning contribution
Marco Pignatari
U. Torino, Italy
Electron Capture in Core Collapse Supernovae
Gabriel Martínez Pinedo
GSI Darmstadt, Germany
Primer: Nuclear reactions in Stellar Burning
Michael Wiescher
University of Notre Dame
Charge-exchange reactions & weak rates in stellar evolution
Remco Zegers
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics March 19, 2006