May 20-21, 2005 Santa Barbara, California
Dean Townsley (Chicago)
Classical Novae as a Probe of Cataclysmic Variables
Allen Shafter (SDSU)
CN rates in our galaxy and others
Tony Piro (UCSB)
Mixing and Spreading of Matter on an Accreting WD
Margarita Hernanz (Barcelona)
Nucleosynthesis during Classical Nova (including nucleosynthesis evidence in Nova grains)
Chick Woodward (U. Minnesota)
Dust and IR observations of CN
Christian Iliadis (UNC-Chapel Hill)
CN Nucleosynthesis: Experiment
Gijs Nelemans (Nijmegen)
Observations of Double Degenerates
Leandro Gasques (Notre Dame)
Carbon Fusion Rates and the Ignition Curve
Scott Wunsch (Johns Hopkins)
Convective Phase and Flame Triggering
Stan Woosley (UCSC)
Numerical Simulations of Burning
Mike Zingale (UCSC)
Flame Instabilities in Type Ia Supernovae
Fritz Roepke (MPA)
Distributed Burning in Ia SN
Tomazw Plewa (Chicago)
Gravitationally Confined Detonations
Frank Timmes (LANL)
Type Ia Nucleosynthesis
Avishay Gal-Yam (Caltech)
Fe Enrichment and Ia rates
Cornelia Wunderer (Berkeley)
Future Gamma-Ray Missions
Peter Garnavich (Notre Dame)
SN Properties correlated with galaxy type and metallicity
Daniel Kasen (Johns Hopkins)
Spectra and polarization of Ias
Sumner Starrfield (ASU)
Possible SN IaProgenitors?
Jeno Sokoloski (Harvard)
Nuclear Shell Burning Triggered by an Accretion-Disk Instability
The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA) Jan. 15, 2005