JINA Website

A Workshop in Honor of the 85th Birthday of Charlie Barnes


December 15, 2006

Kellogg Radiation Laboratory @ Caltech, Pasadena, CA





Brad Filippone


Opening and historical achievements of Charlie Barnes for 12C(a,y)

Peggy Robertson

University of Washington

The first days of 12C(a,y) at Caltech

Karlheinz Langanke

GSI and Technical University Darmstadt, Germany

Theoretical Challenges in the description and extrapolation of 12C(a,g)16O data

Wolfgang Hammer

Universitaet Stuttgart

Recent radiative capture measurement for 12C(a,y)

Ernst Rehm

Argonne National Laboratory

New results in the B-delayed alpha decay measurement of 16N

Franz Kaeppeler

Forschungszentrum Karlsruhe

New experimental results in 12C(a,y) using the Karlsruhe BaF detector ball

Lucio Gialanella

Universitate di Napoli

E1 Measurements of 12C(a,y) and future visions underground

Daniel Schürmann

Ruhruniversitaet Bochum

Inverse kinematic studies of 12C(a,y) with ERNA at the DTL-Bochum

Claus Rolfs

Ruhruniversitaet Bochum

The development of 12C(a,y) experiments since Dyer & Barnes

Stan Woosley

University of of California Santa Cruz

The astrophysical relevance and astrophysical signatures for 12C(a,y)

Carl Brune

Ohio University

r-matrix analysis and data needs for 12C(a,g)16O

Lothar Buchmann

TRIUMF, Canada

TRIUMF and 12C(a,y)16O


The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics

Dec. 28, 2006