Talks on the JINA R-Process Discussion

January 28 - 29, 2005
University of Notre Dame, IN, USA



Supernova-Induced Turbulent Mixing and the Broader
Impact of SNe on Galactic & Proto-Galactic ISMs

Dinshaw Balsara (ND)

Observations/Expansions in Astronomy & Astrophysics

Timothy C. Beers (MSU)

Stellar Abundance Observations and the R-Process

John Cowan (University of Oklahoma)

Mass Measurements at Storage Rings

Milan Matos (MSU)

R-process experiments at fragment separator facilities

Fernando Montes (MSU)

Nuclear structure and r-process modeling

Bernd Pfeiffer (University of Mainz)

Nuclear structure study extended to the 132Sn region

Yang Sun (ND)

Carbon enhanced stars in SDSS

Sivarani Thirupathi (MSU)

r-process studies at LANL

Frank Timmes (LANL)

Abundance Constraints on the Two r-Processes

Jim Truran (Chicago)

R-Process Experiments at ISOL Facilities

Karl-Ludwig Kratz (University of Mainz)



The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA)

  Feb. 27, 2005