JINA-CEE Acknowledgement
Any publication or product which in any way benefited from the JINA-CEE collaborative network or from JINA-CEE support in any form, including discussions at a JINA-CEE sponsored event or travel support, should have the following acknowledgement:
"This work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant No. PHY-1430152 (JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements)."
You can modify "was supported in part by" appropriately.
- examples are:
"was enabled by"
"benefitted from support by"
"was initiated at an event supported by"
JINA-CEE Working Groups
JINA-CEE Diversity Plan:
The JINA-CEE Diversity Plan can be found on the on collaboration wiki.
JINA-CEE Participants Forms:
As The JINA Center for the Evolution of the Elements,
NSF requires we collect certain information on our JINA-CEE Participants
on an annual basis. Below are links for new and current participants,
as well as an exit form that should be filled out -- dependent on
your status with JINA-CEE.
For online submission click here:
JINA-CEE Participants Form
Participant Exit Form
Wiki Access
This wiki is for collaboration among JINA-CEE members.
Username is the last name, in most cases. If you need to reset your
account password or need first time access to the wiki, please contact
Dawn Welch (welch@nscl.msu.edu).
JINA-CEE ma1 + ma2 + interactions network figure
interactions_panel_clear.ai |
interactions_panel.ai |
JINA-CEE Downloads