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Talks at the JINA-CEE Lunch Research Discussion at MSU

Talks at the Nuclear Seminar at Notre Dame

Talks at the JINA-CEE Workshops



JINA School 2008

Nuclear Astrophysics of the Cosmos 2008
At Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinois
July 22 - 27, 2008


Workshop in Honor of Richard E. Azuma

R-Matrix and Nuclear Reactions in Stellar Hydrogen and Helium Burning
At La Fonda, Santa Fe, New Mexico
April 21 - 23, 2008


JINA Frontiers 2007

Conference Talks on Nuclear Astrophysics
At McKenna Hall, University of Notre Dame, IN
August 19 - 21, 2007


The First CARINA-JINA Collaboration Meeting

Nuclear Data Compilation for Nucleosytnesis Modelling
At ECT* Trento, Italy
May 29 - June 1, 2007


JINA Special School on Nuclear Mass Models

Lectures and Presentations
At Argonne National Laboratory, Argonne, Illinoi
May 8 - 16, 2007


A Workshop in Honor of the 85th Birthday of Charlie Barnes

Kellogg Radiation Laboratory @ Caltech, Pasadena, CA
December 15, 2006


Workshop on Massive Stellar Progenitors "The Final Days of Burning"

Talks at the Workshop
Santa Barbara, CA
March 9-10, 2006


JINA Frontiers 2005 Workshop

Conference Talks
Michigan State University, MI
August 20 - 22, 2005


JINA Workshop on Nuclear Incompressibility

Talks at the Workshop
University of Notre Dame, IN
July 14 - 15, 2005


JINA Workshop on Classical Novae and Type Ia Supernovae

Classical Novae and Type Ia Supernovae
Santa Barbara, California
May 20 - 21, 2005


JINA R-Process Discussion

Talk at the Discussion
University of Notre Dame, IN
January 28 - 29, 2005


Astroparticle Physics Talk at JINA/MSU:

A Next Generation All-Sky VHE Gamma-Ray Telescope
by Gus Sinnis
From Los Alamos National Laboratory, at JINA/MSU on April 20-21, 2004


Seminars Talks at the First Argonne/MSU/INT RIA Workshop:

The r-process: the astrophysical origin of the heavy elements
and related Rare Isotope Acclerator Physics

January 2004


Nuclear Astrophysics Talk at APS Meeting, Philadelphia:

Nuclear Physics Phenomena in Cataclysmic Stellar Binary Systems
by Michael Wiescher
Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame; 2003



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