Participants for the Workshop on Nuclear Incompressibility

July 14-15, 2005
University of Nore Dame, IN, USA



Akira Ono

Effect of symmetry energy in fragment isospin composition

Andrew W. Steiner

Isospin Asymmetry in Nuclei, Neutron Stars, and Heavy-Ion Collisions

Bao-An Li

Probing the Incompressibility of Neutron-Rich Matter from Heavy-Ion Reactions

Basanta Nayak

Excitation and decay of Isoscalar Giant Dipole Resonance

Betty Tsang

Constraining symmetry energy with isospin diffusion experiments

Fridolin Weber

Nuclear Incompressibility and Compact Stars

Gianluca Colň

The nuclear matter incompressibility K8 from different giant
resonances and different model analysis

Hidetada Baba

Measurement of inelastic alpha scattering on 14O

Hisanobu Hashimoto

Investigation for ISGDR of 58Ni with (a ,a ’-p) coincidence measurement

Hiroyuki Sagawa

Giant resonances, neutron skin thickness and EOS in asymmetric nuclear matter

Jorge Piekarewicz

Neutron Rich Nuclei in Heaven and Earth

Jun Terasaki

Systematics of strength functions of isoscalar dipole and monopole modes

Kosuke Nakanishi

Recent Results of (3He,t+n) and (3He,t+p) reactions

Mamoru Fujiwara

Observation of the Giant monopole resonances in the Sn isotopes
via (a,a’) reactions at 400 MeV at RCNP

Mátyás Hunyadi

Particle decay studies: Microscopic structure of isoscalar giant resonances

Pawel Danielewicz

Density Dependence of Energy in Symmetric and Asymmetric Matter, from
Structure and Reactions

William Lynch

Central Collisions and the EOS of Dense Asymmetric Nuclear Matter

Yiu-Wing Lui

Systematic of Giant Monopole Energy and the Isotopic Dependence

The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA)

  Aug. 9, 2005