View the JINAResearch Highlight
May 2006
MRC 1: Stellar evolution
Manoel Couder
The Notre Dame Recoil Mass Separator
Aaron Couture
19F(p,y) and Closure of the CNO Cycle
PJ LeBlanc
Multi--Channel R- matrix Analysis using Azure Code
Masahiro Notani
Measurement of 16N ß Delayed-a Spectrum with a New Technique
Laurent Piau
The First Stars and the Early Lithium History
Ed Stech
Notre Dame Gas Targets
E. Strandberg
24Mg(a,y)28Si Resonance Parameters at Low Alpha Energies
Xiaodong Tang
Ethan Uberseder
Activation Measurement of the 19F(n,y)20F Cross Section at kT=25 keV
Claudio Ugalde
Measurement of low-energy resonances in the 19F(a,p)22Ne Reaction and their Interpretation in Terms of the R-Matrix Theory
MRC 2: Supernovae
David Chamulak
Laminar Flame Speedup by Neon-22 Enrichment in White Dward Supernovae
Alfredo Estrade
Heavy Ion Detectors for Time of Flight Mass Measurements
Jacob Fisker
The accretion of matter on dwarfs
Kurtis Geerlings
Wavelet Analysis of Giant Resonances
G. Wesley Hitt
Weak Interaction Rates via the (t,3He) reaction
Meredith Howard
Jungsoo Kim
Turbulent Mixing in Supernova-Driven Interstellar Trubulence
Julie Krugler
Development of the JINA Metal-Poor Star Elemental Abundane Database
Hye-Young Lee
18F(a,p)21Ne Reaction: a Neutron Source for r-Process in Supernovae
Young Sun Lee
SDSS/SEGUE ugriz Color-Magnitude Diagrams and Spectroscopy of Galactic Open and Globular Clusters
Giuseppe Lorusso
NERO Detector
Brian Marsteller
Carbon Enhanced Metal-Poor Stars in SDSS/SEGUE
Bill Martinez
Milan Matos
TOF-Bp Mass Measruements at NSCL, MSU
Anibal Medina
U. Chicago
Jeremiah Murphy
A New Core-Colapse Supernova Mechanism and Prospects for R-process Nucleosynthesis
U. Arizona
Anthony Nettleton
238U Fission at the NSCL: A Step towards ProducingR-process Nuclei
Shawn O'Brien
Neutron Capture on the Stable Pb Isotopes
Kaori Otsuki
Light Element Reactions and Fission in the r-Process
Neutron-Capture Elements in Globular Cluster M15
Annalia Palumbo
a-Capture and Elastic Scattering on p-Nuclei for the Improvement of the Optical Model Potential
Jorge Pereira
r-Process Experiments Campaign at the NSCL
Matt Quinn
Neutron Rich Ge-Br Isotopes
Andrew Rogers
Study of the 69Br rp-Process Waiting Point
Ivo Seitenzahl
Strong and Weak Nuclear Evolution of Material Behind a Deflagration Front in a Type Ia Supernova
Sivarani Thirupathi
SEGUE spectroscopic pipeline and calibration
David Tilley
Thermal Conduction in the Production of Mixed-Morphology Supernova Remnants
MRC 3: X-ray Bursts
Matt Amthor
Sensitivity of X-ray bursts to reaction rates
Mary Beard
Reaction Rate Calculations in Dense Stellar Matter
Ana Becerril
Electron Capture Rates for Neutron Star Crusts
Alan Calder
Daniel Galaviz Redondo
Measurements of rp-process Rates at NSCL
Sanjib Gupta
EC in accreting neutron star crusts
Hiu Ching "Jenny" Lee
Neutron Spectroscopic Factors from Transfer Reactions
Exploring the ap--process Path
Fang Peng
Sedimentation and X-ray Bursts at Low Accretion Rates
Tony Piro
Magnetar Seismology
Alexander Sakharuk
JINA Nuclear Reaction Rate Library and Database
Karl Smith
One zone model calibrations
Yang Sun
Gamow-Teller Transitions in the Projected Shell Model
Wangpeng Tan
Breakout of the CNO Cycle and the 15O(a, y) Reaction Rate
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