at the JINA R-Matrix School






1.    R-Matrix Theory Introduction

Erich Vogt

Oct. 4


2.    Elastic Scattering of Spinless Particles by
       a Central Potential

Erich Vogt

Oct. 5


3.    Summary Lecture 1

Richard E. Azuma

Oct. 5


4.    Configuration Space of the Nuclear Problem

Erich Vogt

Oct. 6


5.    Lecture 2

Richard E. Azuma

Oct. 6


6.    Dealing with the Collision Matrix

Erich Vogt

Oct. 7


7.    Lecture 3

Richard E. Azuma

Oct. 7


8.    Single Particle States & Sum Rule Limits

Erich Vogt

Oct. 8


9.    Lecture 4

Richard E. Azuma

Oct. 8


10.   Formal and Physical R-Matrix Parameters

Karl R. Brune

Oct. 11


The Joint Institute for Nuclear Astrophysics (JINA)

  Oct. 10, 2004